It’s getting Cozy

Cozy is a modern audiobook player for Linux.

Head over to Matrix to join the conversation.


Here are some of the current features:


Distro Package
Flatpak Download on Flathub
Arch Linux cozy-audiobooks
VoidLinux cozy
Solus cozy
MX Linux
elementaryOS Currently out of date. Please use Flatpak for now.


The App Center version of Cozy is currently out of date. elementaryOS ships with old versions of dependencies needed by Cozy. Those are not compatible anymore. Therefore I’m unable to update the App Center version to the latest version of Cozy. Please switch over to the Flatpak version for now. If you experience issues with moving your library, let me know!

elementaryOS is working on a new version of App Center which will be based on Flatpak. When the new App Center is live, Cozy will be back on the app center! :) Thanks for everyone who supported me on the App Center.


Currently discontinued

There is an older beta of Cozy 0.6.7 which is tested on macOS 10.14. It might not work with newer versions of macOS. Because the build process is rather complicated and not easy to automate I’ve currently discontinued building for macOS. If you’re interested in the build process: have a look at my writeup.

Some information about the old beta:

You can download it here: Cozy 0.6.7 beta3 for macOS


I have imported wrong files and cannot get rid of them:

Delete the following folders to reset cozy (this will loose all saved progress):


I can’t uninstall the Flatpak:


flatpak uninstall com.github.geigi.cozy/x86_64/stable


flatpak uninstall --user com.github.geigi.cozy/x86_64/stable

Thanks to @Meresmata

I store my audiobooks in a location that is not accessible in the Flatpak sandbox:

You can override the flatpak settings and allow access to a path (e.g. /media) like this:

flatpak --user override --filesystem=/media com.github.geigi.cozy

Thank you! 💐

To the contributors on GitHub:

alyssais, AsavarTzeth, Fatih20, NathanBnm, camellan, chris-kobrzak, elya5, foliva, grenade, jimmac, jnbr, kaphula, leuc, magnickolas, meisenzahl, naglis, oleg-krv, paper42, phpwutz, thibaultamartin, umeboshi2, worldofpeace

To the fantastic translators:

Ainte, AndreBarata, Andrey389, Asyx, BunColak, Caarmi, CiTyBear, Distil62, Fitoschido, Floflr, Foxyriot, HansCz, IvoIliev, Jagadeeshvarma, MageJohn, Nimmerliefde, Oi_Suomi_On, Okton, Panwar108, Potty0, Sebosun, TheMBTH, TheRuleOfMike, Vistaus, W2hJ3MOmIRovEpTeahe80jC, WhiredPlanck, _caasi, aKodi, abcmen, abuyop, akodi, albanobattistella, amadeussss, andreapillai, arejano, artnay, b3nj4m1n, baschdl78, camellan, cavinsmith, chris109b, cjfloss, cleitonjfloss, corentinbettiol, dtgoitia, dzerus3, elgosz, endiamesos, eson, fishcake13, fountain, georgelemental, giuscasula, goran.p1123581321, hamidout, hkoivuneva, jan.sundman, jan_nekvasil, jouselt, karaagac, kevinmueller, leondorus, libreajans, linuxmasterclub, magnickolas, mannycalavera42, mardojai, milotype, mvainola, n1k7as, nikkpark, no404error, nvivant, oleg_krv, ooverloord, oscfdezdz, ragouel, saarikko, sobeitnow0, sojuz151, steno, tclokie, test21, thibaultmartin, tsitokhtsev, twardowskidev, txelu, vanhoxx, vlabo, xfgusta, yalexaner

To nedrichards for the Flatpak.

Help us translate Cozy!

Cozy is on Transifex, where anyone can contribute and translate. Can’t find your language in the list? Let us know!

If you like this project, consider supporting me on Patreon :)